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Recital 10 enhanced Recital by enabling it to be used in bash shell scripts and in shell commands which use pipes and/or redirect stdin and stdout. If stdin is not redirected then recital will startup and operate as normal in a terminal window. Additionally you can use heredoc to denote a block of recital commands that should be executed. Note that when used in this manner, no UI commands can be executed and no user interaction is allowed.  
# recital < mrprog.prg 
# recital < myprog.prg > myoutput.txt
# recital > myoutput.txt <<END
use customers
list structure
# echo "select * from sales!customers where overdue" | recital | wc -l
Individual commands can be executed in shell scripts.
# recital -c "create database sales"
# recital -c "create table sales!invoices (id int, name char(25), due date)"
Expressions can be evaluated and used in shell scripts.
# VER=`recital -e "version(1)"`
You can view what command line options are available by typing:
# recital --help
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In this article Barry Mavin explains step by step how to setup a Linux HA (High Availability) cluster for the running of Recital applications on Redhat/Centos 5.3 although the general configuration should work for other linux versions with a few minor changes.

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Recital implements SQL-92 and most of the SQL-99 standard for SQL, but also provides lower level navigational data access for performing high transaction throughput. It is the choice of the application developer whether to use SQL, navigational data access, or a combination of both depending upon the type of application being developed.
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Recital 10.0 introduced the COPY DATABASE <name> TO <name> command.. The full syntax is;
COPY DATABASE <name> TO <name>  [ IF [ NOT ] EXISTS ] 
This command is used to copy an existing database to a new database. By default an error will be returned if the target database already exists. Specifying the optional IF NOT EXISTS keywords no error will be returned if the target database already exists. If the optional IF EXISTS keywords are specified and the target database already exists, then it will be removed before the copy. Both the databases must be closed before they can be copied.
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When using Recital Web you can maintain the exact state of each work area between pages like this.

On exit of an .rsp page.

_SESSION["state"] = m_state

On entry to an .rsp page.

IF type( _session["state"] ) != "U" 
    m_state = _session["state"]
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The Recital Oracle Gateway requires the Oracle shared library.  If this file is unknown to, add it using the ldconfig command. 
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Recital 10 introduced the PIPETOSTR() function. This function operates in a similar fashion to the FILETOSTR() function but it can be used to capture the output from externally executed operating system commands. e.g.
// determine how many Recital users are on the system
nusers = pipetostr("ps -ef | grep db.exe | wc -l")
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Recital 10 enhances the way updating tables with indexes is done. The Recital engine will now evaluate each index individually to determine if any changes being made to the row effect it. If this is not the case then the index is flagged not to be updated. This enhancement helps speed up performance of updates and is particularly noticeable in cluster/network installations.
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I was fascinated to learn that marvel are shipping a complete linux device that runs on a wall plug for less than $100. The device has gigabit ethernet and USB connectivity making it ideal for building home security and surveillance devices that can be connected together. 

This would be an ideal device for Recital Embedded. Details can be found here. Additional information can be found here and this article in Scientific American 8 Big Things to Do with a Mini Server.

Seeing as this device runs linux, nomachine can be installed on it.  

Clearly this device has a lot of uses including acting as a loadbalancer and also as a bunch of loadbalanced application servers that access data on a network using glusterfs or samba. Another great use of this device would to configure it as a rsnapshot server to backup all the machines in your home! Interestingly in quantity the device is only US$50.

Marvell have a development wiki here.
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Recital 10 introduced a FOREACH command, much like PHP and some other languages. This simply gives an easy way to iterate over arrays. foreach works on arrays and objects, and will issue an error when you try to use it on a variable with a different data type or an uninitialized variable. There are two syntaxes; the second is a minor but useful extension of the first:
FOREACH array_expression AS value
FOREACH array_expression AS key => value statements... ENDFOR
The first form loops over the array given by array_expression. On each loop, the value of the current element is assigned to value and the internal array pointer is advanced by one (so on the next loop, you'll be looking at the next element).
The second form does the same thing, except that the current element's key will be assigned to the variable key on each loop. This form works only on associative arrays and objects.
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