If when your attempt to create device meta-data fails this is drbd preventing you from corrupting a file system present on the target partition.
$ drbdadm create-md drbd0
v08 Magic number not found
md_offset 30005817344
al_offset 30005784576
bm_offset 30004867072
Found ext2 filesystem which uses 190804004 kB
current configuration leaves usable 29301628 kB
Device size would be truncated, which
would corrupt data and result in
'access beyond end of device' errors.
You need to either
* use external meta data (recommended)
* shrink that filesystem first
* zero out the device (destroy the filesystem)
Operation refused.
Command 'drbdmeta /dev/drbd0 v08 /dev/sda4 internal create-md' terminated with exit code 40
drbdadm aborting
Once you have confirmed that the file system present on the target partition is no longer required at the prompt type the following:
Replace /dev/sdaX with the block device you are targeting.
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdaX bs=1M count=128
Once this has completed the drbdadm create-md drbd0 command will complete with a "success."
$ drbdadm create-md drbd0
v08 Magic number not found
v07 Magic number not found
v07 Magic number not found
v08 Magic number not found
Writing meta data...
initialising activity log
NOT initialized bitmap
New drbd meta data block successfully created.
The getUIComponentBitmapData method can create bitmapdata for a given IUIComponent. Pass any UIcomponent to get its respective bitmapdata.
public static function getUIComponentBitmapData(target:IUIComponent):BitmapData { var resultBitmapData:BitmapData = new BitmapData(target.width, target.height); var m:Matrix = new Matrix(); resultBitmapData.draw(target, m); return resultBitmapData; }
Now convert the bitmapdata to a jpeg bytearray.
private static function encodeToJPEG(data:BitmapData, quality:Number = 75):ByteArray { var encoder:JPGEncoder = new JPGEncoder(quality); return encoder.encode(data); }
Now encode the ByteArray into Base64.
public static function base64Encode(data:ByteArray):String { var encoder:Base64Encoder = new Base64Encoder(); encoder.encodeBytes(data); return encoder.flush(); }
Upload the base64 encoded ByteArray to the server.
public static uploadData():void { var url:String = "saveFile.php"; var urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url); urlRequest.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; var urlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); var urlVariables:URLVariables = new URLVariables(); urlVariables.file = jpgEncodedFile; // as returned from base64Encode() urlLoader.data = urlVariables; urlLoader.load(urlRequest); }
The saveFile.php file on the server.
$input = $_POST['file']; $fp = fopen('filename.jpg', 'w'); fwrite($fp, base64_decode($input)); fclose($fp); ?>
Key features of the Recital database include:
- SQL-92 and a broad subset of ANSI SQL 99, as well as extensions
- Cross-platform support
- Stored procedures
- Triggers
- Cursors
- Updatable Views
- System Tables
- Query caching
- High-performance
- Single-User and Multi-User
- Multi-Process
- ACID Transactions
- Referential Integrity
- Cascading Updates and Deletes
- Multi-table Joins
- Row-level Locking
- BLOBs (Binary Large Objects)
- UDFs (User Defined Functions)
- OLTP (On-Line Transaction Processing)
- Drivers for ODBC, JDBC, and .NET
- Sub-SELECTs (i.e. nested SELECTs)
- Embedded database library
- Database timelines providing data undo functionality
- Fault tolerant clustering support
- Hot backup
// the click event handler private function onclick_sourcetree(e:Event):void { yourTree.editable = false; } // the doubleclick event handler private function ondoubleclick_sourcetree(e:Event):void { yourTree.editable = true; yourTree.editedItemPosition = {columnIndex:0, rowIndex:sourceTree.selectedIndex}; }
Unfortunately java does not support __FILE__ and __LINE__ but you can get the same functionality with this code which can be placed in one of your libraries.
public static void showTrace(String msg) { if (msg.length() > 0) System.out.println(msg); System.out.println("Trace: " + "file " + new Throwable().getStackTrace()[1].getFileName() + " class " + new Throwable().getStackTrace()[1].getClassName() + " method " + new Throwable().getStackTrace()[1].getMethodName() + " line " + new Throwable().getStackTrace()[1].getLineNumber()); }
In this article Barry Mavin, CEO and Chief Software Architect for Recital, gives details on Working with user-defined Functions in the Recital Database Server.
User-defined functions (UDFs) are collections of statements written in the Recital 4GL (compatible with Visual FoxPro) stored under a name and saved in a Database. User-defined functions are just-in-time compiled by the Recital database engine. User-defined functions can be used in SQL statements to extend the power and flexibility of the inbuilt functions. Using the Database Administrator in Recital Enterprise Studio, you can easily create, view, modify, and test Stored Procedures, Triggers, and user-defined functions.
You can also extend the Recital Database Server with C Extension Libraries and use the functions defined within that library also.Creating and Editing user-defined functions
To create a new User-defined function, right-click the Procedures node in the Databases tree of the Project Explorer and choose Create. To modify an existing User-defined function select the User-defined function in the Databases Tree in the Project Explorer by double-clicking on it or selecting Modify from the context menu. By convertion we recommend that you name your User-defined functions beginning with "f_xxx_", where xxx is the name of the table that they are associated with.
Testing the user-defined function
To test run the user-defined function, select it in the Databases Tree in the Project Explorer by double-clicking on it. Once the Database Administrator is displayed, click the Run button to run it.
Example: user-defined function "f_order_details_total".
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // example user-defined function function f_order_details_total(pUnitprice, pQuantity, pDiscount) return (pUnitprice + pQuantity + pDiscount) > 0 endfunc
Example: using the user-defined function in a SQL SELECT statement.
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // sample code to use a user-defined function in a SQL SELECT statement select * from customers where f_order_details_total(Unitprice, Quantity, Discount)
Using user-defined function libraries with the Recital Database Server
You can place all of the user-defined functions associated with a particular table into a procedure library. You then define an Open Trigger for the table that opens up the procedure library whenever the table is accessed. This is a much faster way of using user-defined functions as it reduces the amount of file open/close operations during a query and also simplifies development and maintenance.
By convertion we recommend that you should name the library using the convention "lib_xxx", where xxx is the name of the table that the library is associated with.
Example: procedure library in lib_order_details.
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // example user-defined functions function f_order_details_total(pUnitprice, pQuantity, pDiscount) return (pUnitprice * pQuantity - pDiscount) > 0 endfunc function f_order_details_diff(pUnitprice, pQuantity, pDiscount, pValue) return f_order_details_total(pUnitprice, pQuantity, pDiscount) - pValue endfunc
Example: Open Trigger in dt_order_details_open.
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This trigger will open up the procedure library when the table is opened set procedure to lib_order_details additive
Example: Close Trigger in dt_order_details_close.
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This trigger will close the procedure library when the table is closed close procedure lib_order_details
Example: using the user-defined function in a SQL SELECT statement.
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // sample code to use a user-defined function in a SQL SELECT statement select * from customers where f_order_details_total(Unitprice, Quantity, Discount)
User-defined functions can also be used with any of the Client Drivers that work with the Recital Database Server.
Recital is a proven and cost-effective database solution that will help reduce the cost of your database and application software infrastructure substantially. As an added benefit, Recital can run many legacy applications with little to no change as it understands FoxBASE, FoxPRO and Clipper languages as a subset of it's overall capability.