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Recital's version of Samba allows application data to be shared and locked correctly across these systems, allowing a truly integrated heterogeneous data environment. For example Recital applications running on a UNIX/Linux server can read and update FoxPro databases residing on a Microsoft Windows NT server through the use of Samba.
You can view the modified changes by downloading the following files and patching these into your current Samba installation.
open.c (file opening and share modes)
version.h (versioning information)
The variable CPPFLAGS in the file Makefile will require the define -DRECITAL added to it.
In order to make the locking compatible between UNIX/Linux and Windows the following environment variable must be placed in the profile.db for Unix/Linux Developer and in profile.uas for the Universal Application Server:
The following settings need to be added to the smb.conf file to ensure that file names are always converted to lower case:
preserve case = no 
default case = lower 
mangle case = yes 
The following settings need to be added to the smb.conf file for locking to operate correctly:
oplocks = False
share modes = no
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I Just added a few new functions to the latest 10.0.1 patch release which should be generally available next week.
  1. New MD5( expC ) function to calculate an MD5 crypto key from any character expression
  2. New MD5FILE( expC ) function calculates an MD5 crypto key for a given filename. If the filename is a pattern e.g *.* it will calculate the key across all files matching the pattern
  3. New available for using Recital Web on linux x86_32
  4. New available for using Recital Web on linux x86_64 
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One of the attractive features of Linux is the impressive 3D desktop that even works on most older hardware.

You can enabled the 3D Desktop on CentOS5 by installing the compiz package:

yum install compiz 

After you have done this, go to the top panel and click System, then select Preferences > and click 'Desktop Effects.

You will get a new dialog. To test and see if your hardware supports the 3D Desktop, press the button Enable Desktop Effects. If everything works fine, you can select Keep Settings.

Then test your 3D Desktop by pressing Ctrl-Alt-Left and Ctrl-Alt-Right, or drag a window around or even out of the screen to the left or right. If you maximize a window, you will see another cool effect. If you move the mouse to the upper-right corner of the screen you see all your opened applications.

Way cool!
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Recital 10 introduced a FOREACH command, much like PHP and some other languages. This simply gives an easy way to iterate over arrays. foreach works on arrays and objects, and will issue an error when you try to use it on a variable with a different data type or an uninitialized variable. There are two syntaxes; the second is a minor but useful extension of the first:
FOREACH array_expression AS value
FOREACH array_expression AS key => value statements... ENDFOR
The first form loops over the array given by array_expression. On each loop, the value of the current element is assigned to value and the internal array pointer is advanced by one (so on the next loop, you'll be looking at the next element).
The second form does the same thing, except that the current element's key will be assigned to the variable key on each loop. This form works only on associative arrays and objects.
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Subclipse is an Eclipse Team Provider plug-in providing support for Subversion within the Eclipse IDE. This plugin is required in order to use the recital eclipse workspace.
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This is a good primer for getting familiar with using Infiniband with Redhat/Centos Linux.

Getting Started with InfiniBand

The first step to using a new infiniband based network is to get the right packages installed. These are the infiniband related packages we ship and what they are there for (Note, the Fedora packages have not all been built or pushed to the repos yet, so their mention here is as a "Coming soon" variety, not an already done variety):

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RTOS( [ <workarea> ] )


The RTOS() function returns all the fields in the current row as a string. The string will begin with the unique row identifier and then the deleted flag, followed by the data in the record. An optional workarea can be specified, otherwise the current workarea will be used


use backup in 0
use accounts in 0
for i = 1 to nrecs
  if rtos(accounts) != rtos(backup)
     debug("record "+recno()+" don't match")

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Subclipse is an Eclipse Team Provider plug-in providing support for Subversion within the Eclipse IDE. This plugin is required in order to use the recital eclipse workspace.
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Subclipse is an Eclipse Team Provider plug-in providing support for Subversion within the Eclipse IDE. This plugin is required in order to use the recital eclipse workspace.
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