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Each Recital table can have one or more data dictionaries to provide a central repository for constraints and other metadata. 

Here's how to set up field validation for a field with a small static number of acceptable values.

Using the example.dbf table from the southwind sample database, validation can be added to the title field to ensure it matches one of a list values.
open database southwind
alter table example add constraint;
(title set check inlist(alltrim(title),"Miss","Mr","Mrs","Ms"))
The inlist() function checks whether the specified expression exists in the comma-separated list which follows.  An attempt to update title with a value not in the list will give an error: Validation on field 'TITLE' failed.

If you have access to the Recital Workbench, you can use the modify structure worksurface to add and alter your dictionary entries, including a customized error message if required.


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Read more... maintain the latest Samba releases in a yum repository, allowing for an easy and painless install or upgrade of Samba on your yum based Linux distribution.

To install the latest available Samba execute the following commands at the shell:

# cd /etc/yum.repos.d
# wget
# yum install samba

To upgrade an existing Samba install:

# cd /etc/yum.repos.d
# wget
## Note: edit sernet-samba.repo and add the line "gpgcheck=false" otherwise 
## it will not install as it is not signed
# yum update samba

Note: These steps will install the very latest build available at
If you require a less bleeding edge version of Samba, use the "tested" repo. This can be found at the following URL:

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Recital 10 introduced the DIE( )and EXIT( ) functions. These functions operates in the same way as the PHP DIE( ) and EXIT( ) functions. They output a message and terminate the current session in both Recital and Recital Web.
  open database southwind
  die("Cannot open database, please try later.")
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Recital is a dynamic programming language particularly suited to the development of database applications. While Recital still supports standard procedural programming, new extensions to the language give you the power and flexibility of object-oriented programming. Object-oriented design and object-oriented programming represent a change in focus from standard procedural programming. This short primer will give you a good understanding of how to program object-oriented Recital.
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This website runs in a  virtual machine under vmware server. It is clustered between two servers using heartbeat and DRBD.
When VMware server starts up a virtual machine it generates a uuid (unique id) based on the machine it is running on and stores this in the .vmx file.
When heartbeat switches from slave to master, it will start VMware server (which is setup as a resource in the haresources file).
Virtual machines that you want started automatically when you start VMware server will not start because the uuid changes between the master and backup systems. To get around this problem always do the following:
  • edit the .vmx file and add the following line

    uuid.action = "keep"
If this is not done then everytime you try to run the virtual machine on the backup system in your cluster, VMware server will complain that the virtual machine has been copied or moved and it will not start it.
  • set the virtual machine to power off when vmware is stopped. Do not set this to "suspend" or it will not restart on the backup machine.
This will allow the virtual machine to start properly on the backup machine.
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Awk is an powerful text processing language that allows you to manipulate files containing columns of data and strings. Awk is extremely useful, both for general operation of Unix commands, and for data transformation.
Introduced in Recital 10 is the PIPETOSTR() function (as well as backticks `` inside strings) which can be used  in conjunction with awk to transform recital data.
The following links provide good tutorials on awk:
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Recital 10 Express Edition Linux x86 Free Download.

Recital 10 introduces the free single-user developer edition called Recital Express that can be used to develop and test multi-user Recital, Recital Server and Recital Web applications. Once the applications are ready for deployment a commercial license must be purchased. Recital Express, Recital Server Express and Recital Web Express can be used unlicensed for non-commercial purposes only.

What does this download include:

Recital 10

A powerful scripting language with an embedded database used for developing desktop database applications on Linux and Unix. Recital has a high degree of compatibility with Microsoft FoxPRO enhanced with many additional enterprise class extensions.


Recital 10 Web

A server-side scripting language with an embedded database for creating web 2.0 applications. Includes plugins for apache and IIS. Coming soon! Recital Web Framework, a comprehensive OO framework built on YUI for building RIA (Rich Internet Applications) in Recital Web.

Recital 10 Server

A cross-platform SQL database and application server which includes client drivers for ODBC, JDBC and .NET enabling Recital data to be accessed client/server from Windows, Linux and Mac.


Recital 10 Replication

A comprehensive replication product that addresses urgent data movement and synchronization needs to help support disaster recovery and business continuity for Recital applications.

Recital 10 Quick Start:

Graphical Installation

Note: The installation must be run as root. For systems with a hidden root account, please use ’Run as Root’.

  1. Download the distribution file into a temporary directory
  2. Check that the distribution file has the execute permission set
  3. Run the distribution file
  4. Follow the on screen instructions:
    1. License agreement
    2. Select components
    3. Installation directory and shortcuts
    4. Linking to /usr/bin
    5. ODBC Installation type (Recital Server / Recital Client Drivers)
    6. Java Virtual Machine selection (Recital Server / Recital Client Drivers)
    7. TomCat Installation type (Recital Server / Recital Client Drivers)
    8. Apache Firecat Plugin Installation (Recital Web Developer)
    9. Replication Service Type (Recital Replication Server)
    10. Install license file

Text Installation

Note: The installation must be run as root. For systems with a hidden root account, please precede commands with ’sudo’.

  1. Download the distribution file into a temporary directory
  2. Check that the distribution file has the execute permission set
  3. Run the distribution file
  4. Follow the on screen instructions:
    1. License agreement
    2. Select components
    3. Installation directory and shortcuts
    4. Linking to /usr/bin
    5. ODBC Installation type (Recital Server / Recital Client Drivers)
    6. Java Virtual Machine selection (Recital Server / Recital Client Drivers)
    7. TomCat Installation type (Recital Server / Recital Client Drivers)
    8. Apache Firecat Plugin Installation (Recital Web Developer)
    9. Replication Service Type (Recital Replication Server)
    10. Install license file

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The getUIComponentBitmapData method can create bitmapdata for a given IUIComponent. Pass any UIcomponent to get its respective bitmapdata.

public static function getUIComponentBitmapData(target:IUIComponent):BitmapData {      
    var resultBitmapData:BitmapData = new BitmapData(target.width, target.height);     
    var m:Matrix = new Matrix();     
    resultBitmapData.draw(target, m);     
    return resultBitmapData; 

Now convert the bitmapdata to a jpeg bytearray.

private static function encodeToJPEG(data:BitmapData, quality:Number = 75):ByteArray {     
    var encoder:JPGEncoder = new JPGEncoder(quality);     
    return encoder.encode(data); 

Now encode the ByteArray into Base64.

public static function base64Encode(data:ByteArray):String {     
    var encoder:Base64Encoder = new Base64Encoder();     
    return encoder.flush(); 

Upload the base64 encoded ByteArray to the server.

public static uploadData():void {     
    var url:String = "saveFile.php";     
    var urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);     
    urlRequest.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;     
    var urlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();     
    var urlVariables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();     
    urlVariables.file = jpgEncodedFile;    // as returned from base64Encode() = urlVariables;     

The saveFile.php file on the server.

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To insert code samples into your articles in joomla, you use the pre tag like this:

<pre xml:lang="xxx"> your code goes here </pre>

You can use any of the following languages for colorizing your code in articles. 

recital, abap, dos, lotusscript, rails, actionscript3, dot, lscript, reg, actionscript, d, lua, robots, ada, eiffel, m68k, ruby, apache, email, make, sas, applescript, fortran, matlab, scala, apt_sources, freebasic, mirc, scheme, asm, genero, mpasm, scilab, asp, gettext, mxml, sdlbasic, autoit, glsl, mysql, smalltalk, avisynth, gml, nsis, smarty, bash, gnuplot, objc, sql, basic4gl, groovy,

ocaml-brieftcl, bf, haskell, ocaml, teraterm, blitzbasic, hq9plus, oobas, text, bnf, html4strict, oracle11, thinbasic, boo, idl, oracle8, tsql, caddcl, index.html, pascal, typoscript, cadlisp, ini, perl, vbnet, cfdg, inno, per, vb, cfm, intercal, php-brief, verilog, cil, io, php, vhdl, c_mac, java5, pic16, vim, cobol, java, pixelbender, visualfoxpro, c, javascript, plsql, visualprolog, cpp, kixtart, povray, whitespace, cpp-qt, klonec, powershell, winbatch, csharp, klonecpp, progress, xml, css, latex, prolog, xorg_conf, delphi, lisp, providex, xpp, diff, lolcode, python, z80, div, lotusformulas, qbasic

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Subclipse is an Eclipse Team Provider plug-in providing support for Subversion within the Eclipse IDE. This plugin is required in order to use the recital eclipse workspace.
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