SDK Overview of Level 3

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Level 3 Functions

Function level 3 Description
ARRAY_ALEN() Length of the array
ARRAY_DEFINE() Define an array element
ARRAY_LOOKUP() Look up an array element
ARRAY_UPDATE() Update an element in an array
BLOB_READ() Read a blob from a memo file
BLOB_RECLAIM() Reclaim space in a memo file
BLOB_SIZE() Size of a blob in a memo file
BLOB_UPDATE() Update a blob in a memo file
BLOB_WRITE() Write a blob to a memo file
CHAR_ALLTRIM() All trim a character string
CHAR_LOWER() Convert a string to lower case
CHAR_LPAD() Left pad a string
CHAR_LTRIM() Left trim a character string
CHAR_RPAD() Left pad a string
CHAR_RTRIM() Right trim a character string
CHAR_STR() Convert a numeric to a string
CHAR_UPPER() Convert a string to upper case
CURR_STOY() String to a currency conversion
CURR_YTOS() Currency to string conversion
DATE_AMPM() Current time in AM/PM format
DATE_CDOW() Character day of the week
DATE_CMONTH() Character month of date
DATE_CTOD() String to date conversion
DATE_DATE() Current date as a character
DATE_DATETIME() Current date and time as a character
DATE_DAY() Number of day
DATE_DOW() Number of day of week
DATE_DTOC() Date to string conversion
DATE_DTOS() Date to string conversion
DATE_MONTH() Number of month
DATE_STOD() String to date conversation
DATE_STOT() String to datetime conversion
DATE_TIME() Current time
DATE_TTOS() Datetime to string conversion
DATE_YEAR() Number of year
DBF_ALIAS() Current database alias name
DBF_APPEND() Append a record
DBF_DBF() Current database name
DBF_DELETE() Delete a record
DBF_DELETED() Is the record deleted
DBF_FETCH() Fetch a record
DBF_FILTER() Current database filter condition
DBF_FMT() Current format file for database
DBF_GATHER() Gather an array into a database record
DBF_GOTO() Goto record number
DBF_INDEXKEY() Index key expression
DBF_INDEXORDER() Return master index
DBF_ISBOF() Is record pointer at beginning of file
DBF_ISEOF() Is record pointer at end of file
DBF_ISEXCLUSIVE() Is database opened exclusive
DBF_ISREADONLY() Is database read-only
DBF_LOCKF() Lock a database file
DBF_LOCKR() Lock the current record
DBF_NDX() Current index for database
DBF_READ() Read a record
DBF_RECALL() Recall a record
DBF_RECBUFFER() Flush a database record buffer
DBF_RECCOUNT() Current database record count
DBF_RECNO() Current database record number
DBF_RECSIZE() Database record size
DBF_SCATTER() Scatter a database record into an array
DBF_SEEK() Seek a key
DBF_SELECT() Select a database work area
DBF_SKIP() Skip a record
DBF_UNLOCKF() Unlock a database file
DBF_UNLOCKR() Unlock the current record
DBF_UPDATE() Update a record
DBF_USED() Is a database open in the current work area
FIELD_COUNT() Number of fields in a database
FIELD_LOOKUP() Look up a field definition
FIELD_NAME() Specified field name
FIELD_UPDATE() Update specified field
FIELD_VALUE() Specified field value
MEMO_MLCOUNT() Number of lines in the memo field
MEMO_MLINE() Return a memo line
MEMO_READ() Read a memo into a string
MEMO_RECLAIM() Reclaim space in the memo file
MEMO_SIZE() Size of the memo field
MEMO_UPDATE() Update a memo field
MEMO_WRITE() Write a string to a memo
MEMVAR_DEFINE() Define a RECITAL memory variable
MEMVAR_LOOKUP() Lookup a RECITAL memory variable
MEMVAR_UPDATE() Update a RECITAL memory variable