JDBC: Connection URL Format

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Standard format

String url = "jdbc:Recital:" +
	     "SERVERNAME=servername;" +
	     "DIRECTORY=directory;" +
	     "USERNAME=username;" +

Parameter Description
servername The IP address of the Database Server. '?' connects to the local machine.
directory The startup directory on the server. NOTE: For Windows paths the '\' should be doubled e.g. C:\\Program Files\\Recital\\UAS\\data\\southwind
username Database Server Login username.
password Database Server Login password.

Alternative standard format

String url = "jdbc:Recital:" +
	     "SERVERNAME=servername;" +
	     "DATABASE=database;" +
	     "USERNAME=username;" +

Parameter Description
servername The IP address of the Database Server. '?' connects to the local machine.
database The database on the server. Databases in Recital are implemented as directories containing files that correspond to the tables in the database. The directory is a sub-directory of the Recital data directory. The environment variable / symbol DB_DATADIR points to the current Recital data directory. The database catalog can contain information about a table's associated index files (single .ndx files and tagged .dbx files). It also contains path information, which allows tables in other directories to be accessed.
username Database Server Login username.
password Database Server Login password.

Extended format

The extended format provides logging and encryption capabilities. If ENCRYPTION is set to 'true', the username and password information is transmitted in DES3 encrypted format.

The extended format also provides gateway connectivity to the following data sources. Please note this may require the purchase of additional license options.

  • ODBC data sources
  • Oracle
  • Informix
  • Ingres
  • Remote Recital
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL

String url = 
	"jdbc:Recital:" +
	"SERVERNAME= servername;" +
	"DIRECTORY=directory;" +
	"USERNAME= username;" +
	"PASSWORD= password;" +
	"LOGGING=logging;" +
	"LOGFILE=logfile;" +
	"ENCRYPTION=true/false;" +


String url = 
	"jdbc:Recital:" +
	"SERVERNAME= servername;" +
	"DIRECTORY=directory;" +
	"USERNAME=username;" +
	"PASSWORD=password;" +
	"LOGGING=logging;" +
	"LOGFILE=logfile;" +
	"ENCRYPTION=true/false;" +

Parameter Description
servername The IP address of the Database Server.

'?' connects to the local machine.

directory The startup directory on the server. To access tables in other directories and associate single index files with their table, a sysodbc.ini file is required.
username Database Server Login username.
password Database Server Login password.
logging Set to true or false to turn logging on or off.
logfile The name of the file to log to.
gateway Gateway definition.
datasource ODBC datasource (DSN).
type Gateway type: ora; inf; ing; odb; rec; mys; pos
node The IP address (or hostname) of the data server.
dbms_username The username for the data source, e.g. if connecting to Oracle, this must be the name of a valid Oracle user.
dbms_password The password for the dbms_username above.
database The database to connect to.
protocol The network protocol, decnet (DECNET) or tcpip (TCP/IP). If the protocol is not specified, TCP/IP is assumed on Unix/Linux and DECNET on OpenVMS.


If ENCRYPTION is set to true, the corresponding Database Server must be configured to expect encrypted username and password information. Please see DB_ENCRYPTION for more information.