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(Inserting Records into a Recital Table using Recital SQL)
(Creating an Index)
Line 260: Line 260:
create [unique] index <index> on <table> (<expression> [asc | desc])  
create [unique] index <index> on <table> (<expression> [asc | desc])  
<code lang="recital">
open database southwind
create index lname;
  on example (lower(last_name))
====Altering or Removing an Index====
====Altering or Removing an Index====

Revision as of 13:18, 24 December 2009

Using Recital SQL

Creating a Recital Database

The create database statement is used to create a new database. This will create a sub-directory in the DB_DATADIR directory and a database catalog with the same name as the database specified.

create database [if not exists] <database>

A database, its tables and other associated files can be physically deleted using the drop database statement.

drop database [if exists] <database>


create database test
drop database test

Opening a Recital Database

To open a database and set it as the default database for any subsequent SQL statements, use the open database statement.

open database <database> [EXCLUSIVE | SHARED] [NOUPDATE] [VALIDATE]

The open database command triggers the DBC_OPENDATA database event. If a dbc_opendata.prg program file exists in the database's directory, this will be run. If the dbc_opendata.prg program returns .F. (False), the open database operation will be abandoned.

Databases can also have an associated procedure library that is activated automatically when the database is opened. The procedure library must follow the naming convention dbc_<database>_library.prg and must exist in the database's directory. When the database is closed, the procedure library is also closed.

Tables from a database that is not currently open can be accessed by preceding the table name by the database name and a !.

select * from southwind!shippers

Recital also supports the MySQL compatible use statement to open a database.

use <database>

Creating a Recital Table using Recital SQL

The create table statement creates a new table in the current database, or a new free table if no database is open.

Table column names, data types and constraints can be defined. Table constraints can also be specified.

create table [if not exists] <table>
  (<column> <datatype> [<column constraint> [...]][,...] [<table constraint> [...]])

Data Types

Recital supports the following data types. For full details, please see Appendix A.

  • BIT
  • CHAR
  • DATE
  • MEMO
  • REAL
  • TEXT
  • TIME

Table Constraints


Column Constraints



create table customer;
  (account_no char(5) description "Account Code";
    default strzero(seqno(),5),;
  title char(3) description "Personal Title",
  last_name char(16) description "Customer's Last Name",;
  first_name char(10) description "Customer's Given Name",;
  initial char(2) description "Customer's Middle Initial",;
  street char(25) description "Street Number and Name",;
  city char(12) description "City",;
  state char(2) description "State Abbreviation";
    check rlookup(customer.state,state);
    error "Invalid State",;
  zip char(10) description "Zip Code",;
  limit decimal(11,2) description "Credit Limit";
  balance decimal(11,2) description "Credit Balance";
  available decimal(11,2) description "Credit Available";
    calculated limit-balance,;
  notes long varchar description "Customer Notes",;
  start_date date description "Customer Start Date";
    default date(),;
  onopen "customer")

Loading Metadata from an Array or XML File

The create table statement also allows a new table to be created from metadata stored in an array or an XML file. In addition, data can optionally be loaded from the specified XML file.

create table [if not exists] <table>
  [from] xml <.xml file> [load] | from array <array> 


// Create table from XML file
select * from customer;
  save as xml cust.xml
create table customer2;
  from xml cust.xml
// Create table from array
create table newtable from array meta1

Modifying a Table

The alter table statement allows columns in an existing table to be added, modified, renamed or dropped. Both table and column constraints may be added or dropped.

Add column(s), column constraint(s) or table constraint

alter table <table> add [column] (<column> <datatype> [<column constraints>] [,...])
  | <table constraint>

Alter column(s), column constraint(s) or table constraint

alter table <table> alter [column] <column> [set default <value> | drop default]
  | (<column> <datatype> [<column constraint>] [,...])
  | constraint (<column> set <column constraint> <value> [,...])
  | <table constraint>

Drop column(s), column constraint(s) or table constraint

alter table <table> drop [column] <column>
  | (<column> [,...])
  | constraint (<column> <column constraint> [,...]) | <table constraint>

Add check table constraint

alter table <table> set check <condition> [error <message>]

Rename column

alter table <table> rename (<column>,<new column>)


// Add new column with column constraints
alter table customer add column timeref char(8);
  check validtime(timeref);
  error "Not a valid time string"
// Alter existing columns to add column constraints
alter table customer;
  alter column available calculated limit-balance;
  alter column limit recalculate;
  alter column balance recalculate
alter table customer;
  alter (available calculated limit-balance,;
  limit recalculate,;
  balance recalculate)
// Add new column, add column constraint,
// modify column datatype and drop constraints then drop column
alter table customer add (timeref char(8))
alter table customer;
  alter constraint ;
  (timeref set check validime(timeref);
  error "Not a valid time string")
alter table customer;
  alter (timeref datetime);
  drop constraint (timeref check, timeref error)
alter table customer drop (timeref)
// Add an onupdate table constraint 
alter table customer;
  add onupdate "do check_update"
// Add and then remove check table constraint
alter table customer set check checkit() error "Invalid operation"
alter table customer drop check
// Rename column
alter table customer rename(first_name,forename)

Deleting a Table

The drop table statement is used to delete a table.

drop table <table>

Creating an Index

Indexes may be created using the column and table constraints (foreign key, primary key, unique) and the create table or alter table statements or with the create index statement.

create [unique] index <index> on <table> (<column> [asc | desc] [,...])
create [unique] index <index> on <table> (<expression> [asc | desc]) 


open database southwind
create index lname;
  on example (lower(last_name))

Altering or Removing an Index

Existing indexes may be altered using the alter index statement.

alter index <index> on <table> 

The drop index statement is used to remove an index.

drop index <index> on <table>

Inserting Records into a Recital Table using Recital SQL

Records are added into a Recital table using the insert statement. A single row can be inserted by specifying the row contents in the values clause. Specifying a list of column names determines the columns whose values will be set.

insert into <table> [(<column> [,...])] values (<expr> [,...])


open database southwind
insert into example;
  (account_no, last_name);

One or more rows can be inserted by specifying a sub-query as the data source. Again the columns to be set can be restricted.

insert into <table> [(<column> [,...])] <sub-query>


open database southwind
insert into example;
  (account_no, last_name);
  select * from temp

Data can also be loaded from an array, from a collection of memory variables with the same names as the table columns or from an object with property names that match the table columns.

insert into <table> from array <array> | from memvar | from name <object> 


open database southwind
account_no = "01002"
title = "Ms"
last_name = "Smith"
insert into example;
  from memvar
arr1 = {"01003","Mr","Jones"}
insert into example;
  from array arr1
obj1 = object("account_no" => "01004","title" => "Mrs","last_name" => "Green")
insert into example;
  from name obj1

Selecting Records from a Recital Table Using Recital SQL


Updating Records in a Recital Table using Recital SQL

update <table>
set <column> = <expr> [,...]
[where <condition> | current of <cursor>]
update <table> FROM XML <xml filename>
begin transaction [<transaction>]
end transaction [<transaction>]
commit [transaction <transaction>]
rollback [transaction <transaction> | <savepoint>] [to savepoint <savepoint>]

Deleting Records in a Recital Table using Recital SQL

The delete statement is used to delete records. It executes an immediate physical deletion of the specified records: records are permanently removed from the table and cannot be recalled.

delete from <table> [where <condition>]


delete from currorders where shippeddate < date()

Using a Cursor to Select, Update and Delete Records

A cursor is a temporary selection of rows that can be fetched one at a time and processed further. The update and delete statements can both operate on the most recently fetched row from a cursor.

update <table> set <column> = <expr> [,...] where current of <cursor>

delete from <table> where current of <cursor>

A cursor must be declared:

declare <cursor> cursor for select <statement>

then opened:

open <cursor>

then fetched into memory variables or an XML file:

fetch [next | previous | first | last | absolute <row> | current | relative <row>] <cursor>
  into [<variable> [, ...] | xml <xml filename>]

Once processing is complete, the cursor can be closed:

close <cursor>

then released:

drop cursor <cursor> 


open database southwind
// Declare the cursor to select records from the orders table
declare cursor1;
  cursor for;
  select orderid, customerid, orderdate;
  from orders;
  where requireddate < date()
// Open the cursor
open cursor1
// Fetch records one at a time from the cursor and update them
fetch cursor1;
  into m_order, m_customer, m_orderdate
  do while sqlcode = 0
    if not empty(m_order) and empty(shippeddate)
        update orders;
          set shippeddate = date();
          where current of cursor1
    fetch cursor1;
      into m_order, m_customer, m_orderdate
// Close the cursor and free up any resources used for the cursor
close cursor1
drop cursor cursor1
close databases

Obtaining Information about a Recital Table using SQL

System defined read-only system tables can be queried using the select statment to provide a range of information about Recital tables.

System tables include the following:

  • sysbestrowidentifier - description of a table’s optimal set of columns that uniquely identifies a row
  • syscolumnconstraints - description of the constraints for a table’s columns
  • syscolumnprivileges - description of the access rights for a table’s columns
  • syscolumns - description of the table columns available in the catalog
  • syscrossreference - description of how one table imports the keys of another table
  • sysexportedkeys - description of the foreign key columns that reference the primary key columns
  • sysimportedkeys - description of the primary key columns that are referenced by the foreign key
  • sysindexinfo - description of a table’s indices and statistics
  • sysprimarykeys - description of the primary key columns in the table
  • systableconstraints - description of the constraints for each table available in the catalog
  • systableprivileges - description of the access rights for each table available in the catalog
  • systables - description of the tables available in the catalog
  • systabletypes - table types available in the database system
  • sysversioncolumns - description of the columns in a table that are automatically updated when any row is updated


open database southwind
select * from syscolumns;
  where table_cat = "southwind" and table_name = "orders"
select * from sysindexinfo;
  where table_cat = "southwind" and table_name = "orders"

Executing Procedures and Prepared Statements using Recital SQL

The create procedure statement allows for the creation of a stored procedure in a Recital database.

create procedure <procedure> as <procedure source code>

To remove a stored procedure from a database, use the drop procedure statement.

drop procedure <procedure> 


open database southwind
create procedure creaxml as
select orders.orderid, orders.customerid, employees.employeeid,;
  employees.lastname, employees.firstname, orders.orderdate,;
  orders.freight, orders.requireddate, orders.shippeddate,;
  orders.shipvia, orders.shipname, orders.shipaddress, orders.shipcity,;
  orders.shipregion, orders.shippostalcode, orders.shipcountry,;
  customers.companyname, customers.address, customers.city,;
  customers.region, customers.postalcode, customers.country;
  from orders inner join customers;
  on customers.customerid = orders.customerid,;
  orders inner join employees;
  on orders.employeeid = employees.employeeid;
  save as xml orderinfo
drop procedure creaxml

The prepare statement is used to set up an SQL statement for subsequent execution.

prepare <statement> from :<variable>

Variables used as parameters in the SQL statement can then be set just before executing it using the execute statement.

execute <statement> using :<variable>[,<variable2>[,...]]


open database southwind
stmtbuf = "select * from example where account_no = ?"
prepare mystmt from :stmtbuf
m_acc = "00002"
execute mystmt using :m_acc
m_acc = "00003"
execute mystmt using :m_acc
stmtbuf = "insert into example (account_no, last_name, forename) values (?,?,?)"
prepare mystmt from :stmtbuf
buf1 = "99999"
buf2 = "Smith"
buf3 = "John"
execute mystmt using :buf1, :buf2, :buf3
stmtbuf = "delete from example where account_no = ?"
prepare mystmt from :stmtbuf
buf1 = "99999"
execute mystmt using :buf1

The execute immediate statement is used to prepare and execute immediately a delete, insert, or update SQL statement.

m_acc = "00003"
execute immediate <statement> 


execute immediate select * from example where account_no = m_acc

The sysresultset system table returns the singleton result from any Recital expression.

select set("exclusive") as excl, time() as time from sysresultset