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Recital Mirage Server, Recital Terminal Developer
Recital Mirage Server, Recital Terminal Developer

Revision as of 17:12, 10 March 2009



Screen Environment


Control the display of messages


SET MESSAGE TO <expC> | [<expN> [CENTER] [CENTRE]] SET MESSAGE AT <expN1>,<expN2> TO <expN3>,<expN4> | DEFAULT SET MESSAGE ON | OFF | (<expL>)

See Also



The SET MESSAGE command is used to create a message, consisting of the character string <expC>, and to determine where and when it will be displayed. The MESSAGE TO <expC> command displays messages without waiting for any user input. This command is very useful for displaying helpful messages, during long operations, to let the user know what is happening. If the command STATUS is set ON, the <expC> is centered in the message line.

If SET MESSAGE TO is issued with no <expC> specified, the relevant message line will be cleared. If SET STATUS is OFF, then no message will be displayed. By default, STATUS is ON.

The SET MESSAGE command, with the AT <expN1> TO <expN2> option, can be used to position the message line at any chosen position on the screen. This is particularly useful when working with menus. SET MESSAGE AT DEFAULT reselects the default position setting of line 24, for all messages. SET MESSAGE can be optionally centered with the keywords CENTER or CENTRE.

If STATUS is OFF and SCOREBOARD is ON, messages appear on the top line of the screen. If STATUS is OFF and SCOREBOARD is OFF then messages are disabled unless MESSAGE is ON. Note that if messages are fully disabled (STATUS OFF, SCOREBOARD OFF and MESSAGE OFF), the [FIND] and [FINDNEXT] keys are ignored. By default, MESSAGE is ON.


set status off
set message at 10,10 to 10,50
set message to "Name and address not; specified."

// Another example
use patrons index events, dates, names
seek "BALLET"
if not found()
set message to "Key not found."


Recital Mirage Server, Recital Terminal Developer