ODBC: Data Source Configuration

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Template:YLM to do


Once installed, the Recital ODBC Driver appears in the list of drivers in the 'Windows ODBC Data Source Administrator', accessible from 'Control Panel | Administrative Tools'.

Odbc drivers.png

The installer also creates the 'Recital Southwind' datasource to access the Recital southwind database on the local machine.

Odbc southwind.png

Odbc add.png

Odbc new driver.png

Odbc new dsn.png

Odbc settings.png

Odbc logging.png


To determine the location of the configuration files:

# odbcinst -j

Will return output similar to the following:

unixODBC 2.2.11
DRIVERS............: /etc/odbcinst.ini
SYSTEM DATA SOURCES: /etc/odbc.ini
USER DATA SOURCES..: /root/.odbc.ini

The Recital Driver information can be seen in the 'odbcinst.ini' file:

Description		= Recital ODBC Driver
Driver		= /opt/recital/drivers/libodbc_recital.so
Setup		= /opt/recital/drivers/libodbc_recital.so
FileUsage		= 1
UsageCount	= 1

The Recital installer also adds the following DSN to the system 'odbc.ini' file:

[Recital ODBC test]
Driver	= Recital 

Additional datasources can be added by editing the 'odbc.ini' text file directly, using the following format:

[<unique DSN>]
Description = <informative text>
Driver = Recital
Database = <URL>

Where the <URL> is in the following format:




The following may also be included:


For example

Driver	= Recital

Driver	= Recital


  • As an alternative to manually editing the files, the same format can be used to create template files for installation by odbcinst:
$ odbcinst -i -s <-l|-h> -f template_file

Running 'odbcinst' with no parameters gives usage instructions.

  • The <node> can be the hostname or IP address. A '?' can be used to signify the local host.
  • Storing the user and password details in the DSN is optional and careful consideration should be given to security implications. A '?' can be used in place of the user and password for local host connections where the environment variable DB_LOCAL_LOGIN is set to true in the recital.conf file.
  • The DB_TMPDIR environment variable must be set to a valid writeable directory on the server.
  • To test that the ODBC Driver is successfully installed and configured, use the dbodbc test program in <recital>/examples/odbc:
# make
# ./dbodbc