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On Recital supported UNIX and Linux platforms, the following ODBC compatible functions are also available in addition to the standard Recital/Library functions.

SQLAllocConnect() Allocate a connection handle.
SQLAllocEnv() Allocate an environment handle.
SQLAllocStmt() Allocate a new statement and associate it with a connection handle.
SQLBindCol() Bind application storage space to columns in a result set.
SQLBindParameter() Bind an application variable to a parameter marker.
SQLColAttributes() Return descriptor information for a column.
SQLColumnPrivileges() Return a list of columns and associated privileges for the specified table.
SQLColumns() Return a list of column names for the specified tables.
SQLConnect() Establish a connection to a database.
SQLDataSources() Return information about a data source. This function is implemented solely by the Driver Manager.
SQLDescribeCol() Return column information.
SQLDescribeParam() Return the description of a parameter marker.
SQLDisconnect() Disconnect a connection from a database.
SQLError() Return information about the most recent error.
SQLExecDirect() Prepare and execute an SQL statement.
SQLExecImmediate() Execute an SQL statement.
SQLExecute() Execute a previously prepared dynamic SQL statement.
SQLFetch() Advance cursor to next row.
SQLForeignKeys() Return a list of foreign keys in the specified table.
SQLFreeConnect() Free connection from a database.
SQLFreeEnv() Free environment handle.
SQLFreeStmt() Close a cursor.
SQLGetConnectOption() Return the current setting of a connection option.
SQLGetCursorName() Associate a cursor name with a statement handle.
SQLGetData() Retrieve data for a single column in the result set. It can be called multiple times to retrieve variable length data in parts.
SQLGetInfo() Return general information about the currently connected DBMS.
SQLGetStmtOption() Set options related to the HSTMT.
SQLGetTypeInfo() Return information about data types supported by the data source.
SQLLockTable() Apply the specified lock to the table.
SQLMoreResults() Determine whether there are more results available on a statement containing SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE statements and, if so, initialize processing for those results.
SQLNativeSql() Return the SQL string as translated by the driver.
SQLNumParams() Return the number of parameter markers.
SQLNumResultCols(l) Returns the number of columns in a result set.
SQLParamData() Used in conjunction with SQLPutData to supply parameter data at statement execution time.
SQLPrepare() Associate a cursor name with a statement handle.
SQLPrimaryKeys() Return the column names that make up the primary key for a table.
SQLProcedureColumns() Return a list of input and output parameters, as well as the columns that make up the result set for the specified procedures.
SQLProcedures() Return the list of procedure names stored in a specific data source. Procedure is a generic term used to describe an executable object, or a named entity that can be invoked using input and output parameters.
SQLPutData() Allow an application to send data for a parameter or column to the driver at statement execution time.
SQLRowCount() Build a scroll cursor.
SQLSavePoint() Set or roll back a save point on the current transaction.
SQLSetConnectOption() Set connection options.
SQLSetCursorName() Associate a cursor name with a statement handle.
SQLSetLocking() Change the transaction locking type.
SQLSetParam() Bind application storage space to columns in a result set.
SQLSetPos() Set the cursor position.
SQLSetStmtOption() Set SQL statement options.
SQLSpecialColumns() Set up fetch for special column names.
SQLStatistics() Retrieve a list of statistics about a single table and the indexes associated with the table.
SQLTablePrivileges() Return a list of tables and the privileges associated with each table.
SQLTables() Return a list of table names in the specified data source.
SQLTransact() Commit or roll back the current transaction.

NOTE: To use the ODBC compatible functions, the following shared object library must be loaded or linked into your application:
