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Sample config.db system-wide configuration file.

* File  : config.db
* Purpose : System wide startup file for Recital
set network on && enable network file systems
set network to 1024*2 && network page size
set autolock on && enable automatic locking
set null off && disable null support in columns
set errorversion off && enable version names for error.mem files
set syslogging on && enable system logging
set fastindex off && fast indexing balance by pages during build
set pcache on && program caching (ignored by turbo)
set pshare on && shared memory '.dbo' execution
set icache to optimum && index cache size (disk blocks)
set safety off && allow overwriting of exiting files
set compile on && enable auto-compile mode
set development on && check for source changes and recompile
set date american && default date format
set optimize on && enable query optimization
set clockrate to 1 && clock ticks
set clock on && turn clock on
set epoch to 1988 && define epoch
set debug off && disable debug() logging

if isserver()
    set transaction isolation level read uncommitted && current transaction state
    set dohistory off && disable program command history
    set history on && maintain interactive command history
    set color on && always enable color monitors
    set blink on && blink active field when popup activated
    set escape on && enable Ctrl/Break
    set help on && always provide help in message line
    set message on && enable messages in help line
    set screenmap on && always enable screen mapping (windowing)
    set kbedit on && allow editing of interacive command lines
    set verify on && always verify ABANDON in forms
    set retainmenu on && remain in menu after selection processing
    set heading to single && list heading to single lines
    set talk off && quiet operation
    set tbufsize 512 && terminal output buffer size
    set memowindow on && enable popup notepad on memo files
    set memowindow at 4,17 to 19,62 && default memo window size
    set memowidth to 44 && Memo window width in characters
    set memoformat off && disable automatic formatting of memo text
    set highlight on && focus on popup menus
    set inkeydelay off && faster response time for Clipper apps
    set perfmeter on && display performance meter
    set shadow (iscolor()) && Enable shadows on color terminals
    set screenio on && Handle processing of character 255
    set mackey on && enable keyboard macros
    set sysmenu on && enable system window menu bar
    set descriptions on && enable field descriptions
    set formstate on && save status of Upd/Qry after menus in forms
    set border to single && single line window borders
    set mouse off && disable mouse support
    set navigate off && disable cursor navigation in forms
    set design on && enable info center DESIGN mode
    set title on && catalog file descriptions

if sys(9001) && enable windows
    define window append from 2,1 to 11,78 ;
        title "Recital - Append Window" color gr+/n float grow shadow
    define window edit from 2,42 to 11,78 ;
        title "Recital - Edit Window" panel color w+/bg,,gr+/rb float grow shadow
    define window browse from 2,1 to 20,39 ;
        title "Recital - Browse Window" panel color w+/bg float grow shadow
    define window memo from 14,42 to 20,78 ;
        title "Recital - Memo Window" panel color g/w,,gr+/rb float grow shadow
    define window command from 14,42 to 20,77 ;
        title "Recital - Command Window" color n/bg panel float shadow grow
    define window error from 7,9 to 18,69 ;
        title 'Recital - Error Window' color gr+/r float grow
    set window of append to append
    set window of edit to edit
    set window of browse to browse
    set window of memo to memo
    set window of command to command
    set window of error to error
    set errorwindow on
    set commandwindow on
    activate screen
    set screenmap off
    set screenmap on

alias pwd "? default()"
alias cp "copy file "
alias mv "rename "
alias rm "erase "
alias ls "run('ls -l %1', .t.)"
alias ps "run('ps -ef ', .t.)"
alias cd "set default to %1"
alias cls "clear screen"