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As an extreme example, the following code will compile and run. It will output "hello"
As an extreme example, the following code will compile and run. It will output "hello"
<code lang="recital")
procedure if(if)
procedure if(if)
return if
return if

Revision as of 01:12, 25 October 2009

A Recital Primer

Lexical Structure


Keywords are words known words that denote commands. There are no reserved words in Recital. Command names can be used as variables names. At first glance these seems strange, but provides for greater flexibility when declaring bot memory variables and database field variables, as you do not need to concern yourself about names that may already be used as commands.

As an extreme example, the following code will compile and run. It will output "hello"

<code) procedure if(if) return if

if = "hello" if if = "hello"

   echo if( if )

endif </code>

Lines and Indentation

Tabs and spaces have no significance in Recital. Recital commands can begin on any column of a line. A newline ends the command. If you have particularly long commands, you can extend over multiple lines by placing the line continuation character ; (semicolon) at the end of each line that is to be continued.

echo "This is a one line command"
echo "This is a ;
multi line ;

For better code readability it is recommended that you indent code blocks such as if statements, for loops etc.

// indented code if much more readable and easier to maintain
for i=1 to 10
    name = "hello world"
    if name = "hello world"
        // indent like this


Single line comments

// allows comment lines to be inserted in programs to enhance their readability and maintainability. The // command allows all characters following it on a line, to be treated as a comment and to be ignored by Recital. The // command can be placed anywhere on a line, even following an executable command.

// declare variables
private x,y,z

Multi line comments

/* and */ denote block comments. These can be inserted in programs to enhance their readability and maintainability.

The /* denotes the start of the comment block, the */ the end of the comment block.

All characters between the two comment block delimiters are treated as comments and ignored by Recital.

/* the following lines
     are multi
     line comments */
private x,y,z

Data Types





Control Flow



Variable macro substitution

The & macro function substitutes the contents of the specified variable into the command line. To use a macro in the middle of a word, it is necessary to end the variable name with a '.'. Any type of memory variable can be substituted as a macro.

subscript = 10
i10i = 5
? i&subscript.i

Expression macro substitution

The & macro function can also substitute the result of an expression into the command line. The expression must be enclosed in round brackets.

subscript = "1"
i10i = 5
? i&(subscript + "0")i

Shell command output substitution

Recital provides tight integration with the unix/linux command shell. The ` ... ` command sequence (backticks) can be used to run external shell commands that are piped together and to substitute the output into a Recital character string.

echo "The default directory is `pwd`"
echo "There are `ls -l *.dbf | wc -l` tables in this directory"


Defining a Function

Calling a Function

