Library Sample Files

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The distribution of the RECITAL/Library in the lib sub-directory of the sdk directory, includes sample files to demonstrate the use of the Library functions and how to link and run applications which use the RECITAL/Library. Depending on the Operating System, the following sample files are included:


File Description
dblsamp.c C source code sample showing function usage. A full listing is included at the end of this manual. Run this file to compile and link the sample. Use this file as a reference for compiling and linking your own applications.
dblsamp.obj C object code.
dblsamp.exe Run this file to run the sample application. N.B. To ensure that the necessary symbols and logicals are defined, the OpenVMS Developer file must have been run prior to calling the application.


File Description
dblsamp.c C source code sample showing function usage. A full listing is included at the end of this manual.
makefile Run this makefile to compile and link the sample. Use this file as a reference for compiling and linking your own applications.

# make

dblsamp.o C object code created by the make.
dblsamp.exe Executable code created by the make. Run the code using the dblsamp script.
dblsamp Run this script to run the sample application. N.B. The calls to and profile.db are used to ensure that the necessary environment variables are defined before running the application.