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Revision as of 15:47, 28 October 2009 by Helengeorge (Talk | contribs)
Function to display a Save As dialog allowing a filename to be selected or specified and returned.
PUTFILE([<expC1>] [,<expC2>] [,<expC3>])
See Also
The PUTFILE() function displays a Save As dialog allowing a filename to be selected or specified and returned. The dialog allows navigation through directories and shows a list of relevant files in that directory. The cursor keys, Return key and tab key can be used to navigate the different sections under a Screen Forms. If the user selects or specifies a file, the PUTFILE() function returns the name of that file. If no file is selected or specified, the PUTFILE() function returns an empty string "".
Parameters | Required | Description |
<expC1> | No | The text to display at the top of the dialog. If not specified, 'Save As' is displayed. |
<expC2> | No | The default filename displayed in the text entry area.. |
<expC3> | No | A file extension skeleton. If specified only files with this extension are shown. |
cProgramSaveAs = putfile("Save the program","default.prg","prg")
Recital Mirage Server, Recital Terminal Developer