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read previous key


#include "dbl.h"
	int	dbpkey(ndx, key, recno)
	<input parameter>
	char	*ndx;		/* Address of the .NDX file descriptor 	from which to read a key		*/
	<output parameters>
	char	*key;		/* Address of the buffer where the key	is stored by the function		*/
	long	*recno;		/* Address of the variable where the corresponding record number is stored by the function	*/


The dbpkey() function returns 0 for success, or < 0 if an error occurs. See the section on return code values for a detailed list of return codes.


This function sequentially reads the previous key in a descending (or counter-alphabetical) order and its associated record number from the .NDX file whose file descriptor is passed to the function.


This example reads the previous key and its associated record number from a .NDX file whose file descriptor is in "char *ndx". The key and record number are stored in "char prevkey[18];" and "long recno;" respectively. The key is assumed to be date or numeric.

#include	<dbl.h>
	char	*ndx;			/* .NDX file descriptor		*/
	char	prevkey[8];		/* Key buffer			*/
	long	recno;			/* Record no. associated with key	*/
	int	rc;			/* Return code			*/
	rc = dbpkey(ndx, prevkey, &recno);
	else {
		printf("error number %d n, rc);
		exit (1);


dbckey(), dbkeytoa(), dbfwd(), dbgetpr(), dbnkey(), dbrewind()