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Used to define the directory where Terminal Definition File are to be found

See Also

Configuration Files, DB_TERM, GETENV(), Terminal Definition Files


Recital provides its own Terminal Definition Files, so that it can be run on a wide variety of different terminals. The Terminal Definition Files are stored in the directory indicated by the DB_TERMDIR environment variable, set in the system-wide configuration file. By default this is set to the 'terminals' sub-directory of the Recital home directory. Some one hundred Terminal Definition Files are shipped with Recital. These files are text files and have a '.def' file extension on a base name of the terminal type, e.g. ansi.def, vt220.def. When Recital is invoked, it checks to see whether the environment variable, DB_TERM, has been set, e.g.

$ DB_TERM=vt220; export DB_TERM

If the DB_TERM environment variable is not set, Recital takes its setting from your Linux/UNIX TERM.

$ TERM=vt220; export TERM

Note that if the DB_TERM is set to xterm or similar (or if DB_TERM is not set and TERM is xterm or similar), Recital will be fired up in an xterm window (or equivalent).


Recital Mirage